3½ years of Bondora: Inching towards breakeven

Bondora is quite unpopular. People don't really understand the platform. People want quick wins, buyback guarantees and the like. That's not Bondora.

Instead, Bondora is a long ride. It's illiquid and difficult to forecast. Show me another blogger that has four years worth of data from Bondora and has actually properly analyzed what is happening. There are none.

I don't blame them really. How can you recommend a platform you don't understand.

Keeping track of your P2P profits (and everything else) in Google Sheets

Over the years, I've got a lot of questions about how I track my P2P portfolio. I've set my tracking up with tools that are difficult to share, but I wanted to finally help all of you do it more easily. Here it is, the one-size-fits-all approach to all investments that require the absolute minimum amount of tracking and you can do it just as often or rarely as you want. It won't break if you skip tracking for a month.

How to budget your life: free multi-year Google Sheet

how to budget your life. free multi-year google sheet

I've said over and over again that savings rate is the most important metric to follow if you want to become financially independent and retire early. Unfortunately though for many, calculating your savings rate can become a chore that you might do once a year. If so, it's difficult to affect your behavior in a meaningful way.

My Sun Exchange solar cells have returned 18% in a year. 🌞 Want a free cell?

This is the third year I've bought solar cells on The Sun Exchange platform (www.thesunexchange.com). The main reason I do it is that it is one of the very few ways I can compensate for my CO2 emissions in a potentially profitable way. There's currently a project on The Sun Exchange that has a forecasted IRR of 16.71%. Continue reading to find out more.

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